MAJOR FORECAST UPDATE As of early morning Friday, the National Hurricane Center upgraded Harvey to a category 2 hurricane with winds of 110 mph. Since last night, the stallite and radar images show Harvey has continued to show better organization and this...
The Weak La Niña of 2016 and 2017
Milwaukee - It is official. We are in La Niña. It just started. And guess what? It looks like it is already ending. Allow me to explain. The Climate Prediction Center (CPC) of NOAA monitors water temperatures in the tropical Pacific Ocean. CPC publishes...
Melting Away in the January Thaw
Milwaukee – Is it warm where you are? If you live in most of the United States and Canada, it probably is. The western United States, western Canada and Alaska are the only locations with below average temperatures on January 18th. After a cold beginning...
Winter Mitigation Webinar
In December 2016, Community Insurance Corporation (CIC) hosted a weather mitigation webinar for customers. CIC asked Fair Skies Consulting to deliver the webinar focusing on the latest standards and expectations of weather mitigation. Below is the...
St. Francis School District Designated Stormready Supporter
St. Francis, WI – December 5, 2016 – St. Francis School District is a national leader in weather safety with StormReady Supporter designation by the National Weather Service. According to, “every facility should develop and implement an emergency...
Fall Weather Safety Newsletter
Fall Brings Outdoor Safety to the Forefront Fall sports means students and coaches are outside in large numbers spread out over significant distances. It also means audiences for Friday night football. Already, games have been disrupted by thunderstorms....
Is La Niña Starting?
The latest weekly ENSO report from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) has three consecutive weeks of La Niña threshold temperatures in region 3.4 of the Pacific Ocean. The La Niña threshold is a temperature anomaly of -.5 degrees Celsius or cooler for...
Is La Niña Right Around the Corner?
The Climate Prediction Center weekly ENSO update came out today and it has some interesting information. El Niño weakened earlier in 2016 with equatorial Pacific waters cooling. Over the last 6 weeks, the equatorial waters are cool enough for ENSO neutral...
Festivals, Large or Small, Need a Weather Plan
So far this summer, weather has impacted two large events, both in Europe. The Rock am Ring three-day outdoor concert in Mendig, Germany ended early because of 82 injuries, 15 seriously, from lightning strikes according to the Sydney Morning...
Shorewood School District Receives Stormready supporter Designation
Shorewood School District in Milwaukee County, working with Fair Skies Consulting, began a weather risk analysis earlier in 2015. The goal of the plan was to define weather hazards and create an improved process for monitoring and alerting. The result is...